Partners of the Americas National

Partners was founded in 1964 as the people-to-people component of the Alliance for Progress. Today, it is a private, nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, enjoying the support of many committed volunteers, international corporations, public agencies, and foundations. Partners of the Americas is the largest volunteer-based organization in the Western Hemisphere engaged in social, economic, and cultural development.
Partners of the Americas turns ideas into action. We envision a hemisphere in which opportunity is abundant for all and dreams are not bound by borders.
The organization works by pairing U.S. states with Latin American and Caribbean countries in 60 “Partnerships.” For example, Kansas is linked with Paraguay; New Jersey with Haiti; and Missouri with the state of Pará, Brazil, and Florida is linked with Colombia.

In an increasingly interdependent world, Partners is a network of enduring linkages among professionals, institutions, and communities across the hemisphere. Drawing on this unique network of community-based chapters of people and organizations, Partners’ activities are remarkably diverse. They range from disaster assistance to cultural exchange, from democracy strengthening to domestic violence prevention and environment protection. Women and men from all walks of life – doctors, farmers, foresters, artists, city administrators, university professors, students and leaders of community and international organizations – volunteer with the organization through their local chapters.In addition to the time and technical expertise donated by Partners volunteers, corporations, foundations and government agencies support the work of partnerships.

Vision and Mission