2014 Meetings


January 2014

John November, Tony Abbott, John Schorr, Clemencia Ruiz, Marcy Galbreath, Sue Mahan, Jean Coyne, Patricia Galbreath, and Marcello Trujillo.

Tony Abbott and John November, two recipients of the Partners of the Americas’ Climate Change Fellowship program were sharing their reports from their recent exchanges.More about the program:
From 2010 to 2012, POA sent 43 professionals from the United States and Colombia on fellowships to share their expertise in climate adaptation and mitigation, promote mutual understanding between Colombia and the United States, strengthen participants’ capacity to serve as catalysts for change, and increase the capacity of target communities to respond to natural disasters.

February 1, 2014


Agenda February 2014

February 1, 2014 FPOA Quarterly Meeting in the Stetson University Board Room.

July 12, 2014

John Schorr, past FPOA President with John Schoch, then-current FPOA President with Original Certificate of incorporation dated September 18th, 1969.