Donate Here

Thank you for donating to the Florida-Colombia Partners of the Americas! Your donation will support chapter projects that designed to promote volunteerism in people-to people exchanges with the North-Eastern and Central Colombia Partners.
Working through the U.S. State Department, programs are designed with an economic, social, cultural, educational, and health value for engaging in building a better hemisphere.
If you have a particular project that you would like to fund, please list it.
Some of our Florida-Colombia Partner projects include:
• “Our Birds Are Your Birds, Too” Project (Audubon initiated)
• Youth Ambassadors Programs (youth exchanges)
• English-as-a-Second-Language Program (teacher training and support)
• Partners Campus -College/University students engaging in social-economic dialog and projects
• Artist Exchange
Florida-Colombia Partners, Inc. is a non-profit organization and your donation is tax deductible.

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